19 Jan 2018

Sanctus and Benedictus

Latin-English interlinear translation of Sanctus and Benedictus

Dies irae

-part of speech----------------------------------------------------------
adj-  adjective
n-   noun
n.   proper noun
pn-   pronoun
pn-r.   relative pronoun      

m  masculine
f    feminine
n   neuter
sg   singular
pl    plural

nom  nominative      
gen  genitive
abl   ablative
v-  verb
vp-  participle
pf   perfect

pres    present

p    preposition
cj   conjunction
ij   interjection

Sanctus et Benedictus (Ordinarium missae)

Sanctus,  Sanctus,   Sanctus, 
vp-pf.  vp-pf. vp-pf.

holy,   holy,   holy,

Dominus   Deus  Sabaoth. 
    n.   n.    n. 

Lord  God  Sabaoth 

Pleni  sunt  caeli  etterra gloria  tua.
adj-nom.pl.m   v-pres.3pl  n-nom.pl.m  cj   n-nom.sg.f  n-abl.sg.f  adj-abl.2sg.f

full  they-are  skies  and  land   with-glory   of-you

Hosanna   in    excelsis. 
   ij  p adj-abl.pl. 

Hosanna! in  elevated-places 

Benedictus   qui  venitin nomineDomini.
 vp-pf. pn-r.   v-pres.3sg  p     n-abl.sg.n   n-gen.sg.m

having-been-blessed  who  he-comes  in  name  of-Lord

Hosanna!    in     excelsis.
    ij  adj-abl.pl

Hosanna!  in  elevated-places

sanctus   √sancio: to make sacred
caeli   √caelum : sky, heven,  plural is masculine
gloria:  Translated from Greek "δόξα" (dóksa; honor, renown) from Hebrew "כָּבוֹד" (kabowd; weight )
hosanna:  From Hebrew "hwōšî‘â nā’ "   "save!  please,"

 Sanctus,  from Isaiah 6:3      Isaiah 6
"qdosh  qdosh  qdosh  yhwh  tzboth  mlo  kl-  h·artz  kbod·o"
"holy holy holy, Yhwh Tzboth,  all of the land is full of his manifestation of power"

 Benedictus,  from Psalm 118:26      psalm 118
"bruk  h·bt  b·shm  yhwh, brknu·km  m·bth   yhwh:"
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh!   We have blessed you out of the house of Yahweh."

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