30 Dec 2003

Interest to outside

She would have seen sky which color is white almost every day.  She is an indoor cat, but she has once gone outside by her choice,  I put her back soon.

31 Jul 2003


coming and lies down

It's dry and warm

The days when the dog was not familiar with me yet, it occasionally showed inappropriate behavior (though a female dog!) against me, and I kicked it off.
Every day I went for a walk with the dog, Uracco, and I sometimes brushed its hair.
Eventually the dog has seemed to understand its position, relation with me.

24 Jun 2003

Working animals

When I was cleaning my room, the cat and the dog each came and helped me
by resting nearby for not disturb me.

22 Jun 2003

Kiwi plants

Mimiko is regularly fed meals, besides that she has her own supply source.
Kiwi plants that had grown in the garden were mostly vanished during my long absence, and only the female stock remained.
she occasionally eats the shoots that were less likely to produce fruit.

The dog is not interested in Kiwi.
It has dropped my room shoes out waiting for daily walking.

1 Mar 2003

Circular shape

When I was under the weather in bed, Mimiko visited me and settled down.
She seems to be staying here tonight. A very fall of rain.

21 Feb 2003

Pole climbing

Mimiko was in high place.

I had heard that she could easily up and down the pole when she was young, but now her discontented cries and the long time stay showed she could not get down.

We kept calling her, finally she came back.